Have you thought about travelling on a train…. that doesn’t have a destination?
Pack a picnic and spend a few hours on a train listening to the clickety clack of the wheels on the rails while the sun sets. SteamRanger has a train that has to journey from Strathalbyn to our Depot at Goolwa. You won’t be able to get off the train as there is no platform but you may be able to see the loco take on water between the trees. There are toilets on the train. Our Coffee shop will be closed, which is why you will need to bring everything with you. On the way back to Strathalbyn we may even be able to get a glimpse of the sun setting on the horizon while traveling on the rails and over the bridges. The train returns back to Strathalbyn to pick up our passengers that are heading back to Mount Barker.
The Strath BYO Picnic Train departs Strathalbyn at 5.20 pm and tickets will be available on board the train. You will arrive back at Strathalbyn at 8.20pm.
A special price for this one-off event is $25.00 for Adults and $12.00 for Children. There are no Family or Senior fares. Cash and Credit Card available.
Dep MB 4.15
Arr St 5.15 GT passengers leave the train
Dep St 5.25
Arr GD 6.35 Water/Turn
Dep GD 7.10
Arr St 8.20 GT passengers return on train
Dep St 8.30
Arr MB 9.30
Contact StramRanger’s booking office during business hours on 1300 655 991 .
Monday to Saturday: 9:00am—5:00pm. Closed Sunday.